15 June 2008

Out Look

Definitely on the summertime blog schedule lately. Plenty to report, but my free time lately has been best spent outdoors, much like the photos above and below. Look for some more snapshots and stories later in the month, and enjoy your summer.
Overlooking the Lewis and Clark Trail


Anonymous said...

Its ok if the appearance of your blog is not good. The important thing is the topic or the content of your blog.

Anonymous said...

It could give you more facts.

LW said...

who the heck are you people? wait...petey solotto? is that you? we had that class together? you were that shy italian transfer student who always got points off in gym class for having the wrong color mesh shorts, yes? and, boy has it been a long time, lottery winning numbers. maybe 1997? wow that was a good year. tough -- but instructive. I'm glad you've finally learned that it's not what's on the surface that counts. I always tried to tell you that, lotte. But you never understood.

Brett said...

where is that second picture taken? Is it the Lewis & Clark Trail in Weston? Looks like a beatiful spot, TIA.

LW said...

yep that's the spot. if you click on the photo it will lead to a few others from that park.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Petey Solotto on this one; you could definitely be giving us more facts. Many, many, many more facts. In fact, I don't see any facts in this at all. What the fact? To that point, I also agree with Lotte, aka The King of Content. But hey, you're distracted. You have other things going on in your life. And it's ok if the appearance of your blog is not good. I'm confident you'll figure out some day.

B said...

i want that pool and that dragon floaty. ;[