02 December 2009

The lights have been mostly off around this blog site lately, but I can assure you it's for good reason.

For the last several months I've been working with a few dozen editors, writers and photographers to help create a new online news and entertainment site for Kansas City called KCFreePress.com, which John at Bottomline Communications was kind enough to do a write-up for earlier this evening.

The site won't go live until a week from today, and even then we'll have plenty of design tweaking to do. Building a Web site isn't easy, I've learned, but I'm confident that the strength and uniqueness of our content and presentation will carry us through the rest of 2009 into a lasting spot on the local Internets.

Although it probably seems like we're coming out of nowhere, that's not exactly the case. The contributors to KCFreePress.com are made up of some of the area's most interested and talented bloggers and photographers -- people who have worked at professional media outlets or are already writing at a professional level. I won't drop any names here, but suffice it to say that several of the contributors will be familiar names to readers of local media, and those that aren't will (we hope) become familiar voices before too long.

I've got plenty more to say about the site -- who we are, what you'll find there and why we felt like Kansas City was in need of a new media outlet -- but I'll save that for my intro column. In the meantime, you can go to kcfreepress.com to get your name added to the info list, find us on facebook, or just check back on the site next week.

Thanks for your interest and support, and see you soon.
