07 April 2008

Traveling En Masse to March on Mass. Street

A Normal Summer Saturday in Beautiful Downtown Lawrence:

Last Saturday Night:

(And that's blocks from where the largest concentration of folks were)

Much more from me soon about rumblings and rumors of a championship in Larrytown, but it is not yet the time to reflect. It's the time to anticipate and then -- hopefully -- to celebrate.

Both photographs by Jenn.

P.S. If anybody has any spare change, make sure to buy Derrick Rose some more gummy bears.

P.P.S> Getting on the roof is a bit sticker situation than it was when I lived on that block. They grease up the ledge now. Fortunately, all that petroleum jelly comes off of your hands after about 15 hand-slaps. Not to hard to come by on a night like Saturday.


matt kirkland said...

Aw. I'd give a shiny nickel to be in Lawrence tonight.

Anonymous said...

You got on top of Tellers? What an strange thing to know how to do.

LW said...

yeah, not strange enough to keep dozens of gutterpunks from doing it pretty much every day.

it was actually pretty funny going up there after a long absence (aside from one short summer visit). after defeating the grease-trap (sounds like some level in a video game, eh?) I saw the outline of a guy and the cherry of the cigar this shadowy figure appeared to be smoking. i made everybody duck and a minute later the person was gone. so we went on up and pretty soon the people we'd seen came bounding toward us from the corner of Tellers shouting, "You guys aren't cops!" and a bunch of enthusiastic sports-related stuff.

so yeah, we made some new friends. what an adventure! OMG!

Anonymous said...

ok..not from Kansas...wut is Mass st? just wondering wut the significance of that st is.

jennybros said...

Mass St. is a magical street where with commerce and eats and peeps and music. One is able to accomplish most errands, shop, stroll and you'll run into just about anyone. During the b-ball games it had a certain magnetic quality (along with bars) that drew Lawrencians and ex-Lawrencians from far and near to celebrate collectively.

Anonymous said...

ooooh i see, thnks!

Akktri said...

Yeah. That's great. Give all your friends greasy hi-fives.
Haven't you heard of rags?