28 January 2008


This is the star that hangs above my crumbling balcony. I'm not sure where we found it. Maybe it fell from the sky.

I think that this "see no evil/hear no evil/speak no evil" monkey totem pole, currently the pedestal for my burrito tail cactus (an ideal plant because it requires next to no water), should be expanded or renamed to include a "blog no evil" category. Though that would disrupt the magic number, you could also just rename the other two to something like "fwd no evil" or "comment no evil." Part of my decision to greatly reduce online activity in 2008 stems from a disgust with the user comments I see when I read the newspaper -- or other blogs -- online. Whether it's racist blame-games, vitriol over local sports teams or embarrassingly poor spelling and grammar, comments on the local Internets do not generally engender goodwill among neighbors.

This was the slab of ice we used to escape a frozen Flush Creek near the Troost Bridge. Not big enough to support our weight, it nonetheless kept our boots from complete submersion in the stream.

Longest Hair
What's up with this picture? I honestly don't know. It's part of Jenn's recent photo sets on jennybros.com and flickr, along with the rest of these shots shown here today. If you're willing to write a few sentences or more about what you think the story is with this picture, I'd be happy to post it here. I know there's some creative types out there reading this, and I want to give them a chance to shine.

If you came here looking for something intelligent to read, than I'm afraid I'll have to direct you elsewhere, like this story from the NY Times for example.

In the meantime, stay tuned for Giant Squid sightings and some more music-related stuff soon. A big hello to friends overseas, especially those in Swaziland.




jennybros said...

This hanging basket has been the inspiration for my neglect in cutting my hair (not including bangs). To have a hairstyle that blows in the wind and obscures my face in pictures is the ultimate goal.


Anonymous said...

whoevr blogged this is a obvious pinko commie photolover. this is xActly the problem with america today! bloggos with their hidden radicalist agendas are just like activist judges. anonymous comments rulz.

LW said...

good lord, i never thought i'd be called a photo-loving pinko gayhawk on my own blog! what is the net coming to!?!

Anonymous said...

i haven't had too many instances of beyond the pale behavior, but i've not been a round long.

i am die hard free speeh advocate so would not edit or remove posts.

what i might do - should the need arise - is simply disable comments for those posts that i anticipate might draw gadflies or worse...

Akktri said...

That's why hornets and buzzards should never mate. They make really huge nests, and sting the crap out of you.