16 January 2006

good bye, turtle

The Campanile Valley specifically the dance pavillion is a place we used to joke was the ancestral home of the trolls.

The valley is also home to a host of many journeys I only undertook through reading -- Hessel's walks through Berlin, Arturo Bandini having nowhere to go after getting his clothes thrown out the window.

Today I sat under the willow trees of Potter Lake and looked at the Campanile, which in the water wavered like a snake under the spell of its charmer. I remembered climbing it the day Andrew "andmoreagain" Morgan rented the thing out to get a custom recording of the bell player. AC sneaked in a backpack of beer and I poked my head out the top and it seemed like I was caught in a terrible windstorm. AC looked out the window grate and shouted to a kid, "I AM THE ELF OF THE TOWER."

But that was in 2003. Today I sat there and drank a cola from Arby's, and as I was taking my sunglasses off a kid who had been searching for turtles with his father ran by yelling "Bye, Bye, Turtle!"

I listened to him laugh and watched him run and sincerely hoped he wouldn't get eaten by the trolls

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