17 June 2009

Warwickshire Menagerie

One of several "hear/speak/see no evil" displays at my house. Though this one looks more like a close-up shot of two onlookers at a circus who have just witnessed something terrible take place in the motorcycle cage (for example).

Hedgehog candle brought to you by Waxman

Our one real (guest) animal. Kiki is staying with us for a few days and maybe a month later in the summer. At first I was not thrilled about the idea of pet-sitting, but Kiki is easy to love.

Top two photos by Jenn, photo of Kiki by sister Jess


jennybros said...

Kiki is so pretty, yet (still) so skittish...but she is a nice daytime companion. Even if she acts only half interested in everything I am doing.

Elizabeth Baddeley said...

Do you want a cat for when she leaves!! There's a homeless kitten at my house right now. She's rrrreally sweet! And friendly! And declawed!