22 December 2008


I had a story in the Star the other day. It was about Christmas. Maybe not my bestest piece ever, but it was a nice opportunity and it turned out okay. The only problem was the head shot, which on the Web site looks like this...

Scary, huh? I was pretty creeped out at first but upon further examination the texture on the wall behind me shows up in the negative version like a bunch of stars, as if I'm not just a guest columnist but instead some kind of galactic message-bringer. And I guess that's kind of cool. Anyway at least my photo didn't wind up here.

Speaking of writing, last week on the Universal Press Editor's Blog I posted a short essay about the famous South American comic character and overall pervy bird, Condorito. You can read that here. My friend Mr. Bolling, creator of "Tom the Dancing Bug," posted some additional comments and a Condorito-inspired strip on his site.


Matt said...

But where's the Star article?

jennybros said...


I'll take credit for the photo. Negative headshots is my special-ity.