08 October 2008


Crime in Kansas City has upset me a lot lately, but I decided against using this blog to pour out my anxieties and frustrations about the violent events in this city, the segregation and social unrest that brings them about, and the cynicism with which we respond to and make fun of these events.

Instead I decided to bring a bit of levity to my corner of the blogosphere, so what you'll be seeing here on through election time is a bunch of short seasonal quips, links, songs and other digital larks more designed to take your mind off the ugliness of reality rather than rub your face in it.

Then again, that's all subject to change, especially if I come across any interesting and provocative copy about presidential candidates or PTSD.


Anonymous said...

My dearest friend, are you getting politikverdrossen as we like to say of our generation in Germany?
I hope not.
But your input, be it music or just random shizzl is always appreciated, be sure of that.
See you soon. (no, really, this time),

Anonymous said...

That PTSD story is incredible.