15 July 2008

I Could Never Fight A Cat Like That

I thought back about the last post a little while ago and decided it really didn't have much of a point. Although that hasn't stopped me from posting more than my share of shaggy-dog stories in the past, yesterday's gator photo-sequence was worthwhile only for its exposure of what really goes on in America's zoos.

But don't worry, fair readers, friends and spam-bots: There are no gators in the KC sewers, and if they do show up here they arrive at night, peaceful-like and made of plywood.

In more somber animal news, a legendary Midtown feline passed away last week. Ronald Reagan -- a black-and-white house cat that at 30 pounds was an outright colossus -- died last week at the age of 10. Ronald was my neighbor's cat for the past 2 years or so. He was already in possession of his presidential name when my friend adopted him. In fact all we knew about Ronald's early years was that they were almost entirely spent in the back rooms of a Kansas City BBQ joint. I'm not even kidding.

So Ronald is gone from the apartment building, and from this life, but I'm sure I'll still picture his sleek but massive frame in the first-story window, head raised, hair spiked and stuck together after a flea bath, sitting with all the street-tough aplomb of a brooding, self-grooming prize-fighter; fat has hell and fully aware he's in a class by himself.

So so long, Ronald Reagan. It's goodbye all over again.


B said...

how sad :(

he was huge.

Akktri said...

So...it seems that even the feline version of Mr. Reagan was a bureacratic fatcat subject to bloated republican tendancies.
I will never forget that fateful day that he stood in front of a box of Meow Mix and said, "Mr. Gorbecat, tear open this box!"