06 May 2008

A knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork

A few final notes about New York, and then I'll temporarily wrap up that subject with a few photos:

-- Even on warm, sunny days, you won't typically find New Yorkers wearing shorts.

-- There's a really good burger place near the Fashion Institute of Technology (my safety school if I didn't get in to KU, incidentally) called "Brgr." I recommend the turkey burger with avocado, gruyere cheese and herb mayonnaise.

-- If you want a fun, philosophical tour of New York City without going to the trouble of going there, I recommend the 1998 documentary, "The Cruise," which follows tour guide Timothy "Speed" Levitch along his Gray Line tour bus route. There's a pretty damn near heartbreaking scene at the end where he demonstrates his habit of spinning around on the plaza between the twin towers and then looking up to get the effect of them falling down on him. The scene is loaded with a meaning that the filmmakers couldn't have intended at the time. You can find it on YouTube, but it's probably best viewed in the original context.

One thing I love about New York is the diversity. People of all different cultures, speaking all kinds of different languages, donating all kinds of blood types.

There are people from many different tribes and cultures

This monk was doing a sand mandala in the lobby of my hotel

New Yorkers are serious about their traffic laws

A pop-art patriot

Remnants of the Jagiellon Dynasty

A girl made of stone

And to close, a pair of Central Park trees...


Anonymous said...

I think Central Park is the coolest (for lack of an adequate adjective--try saying that three times fast) place I've ever been. Unlike other city parks (Villa Borghese in Rome or Hyde Park in London), the transition from city to park is so immediate. And when I was there (in the middle of a Wed. afternoon), the collection of humanity was wonderfully odd--a couple doing the tango around the fountain, an old man in full, ye olde thyme hunting dress walking his puppy, an albino jazz flautist, and a "gay rollerblading club" (though it was difficult to discern whether it was the rollerbladers or the rollerblading that was specifically gay). Anywho, now you know what I think of Central Park...it's aces!

On an unrelated note...I just failed the word verification test. Is it me, or are they getting really difficult?

LW said...

i turned them damn letters off...had a trouble with some spam, thought the letters would fool them. maybe they'll stay away.

also, snakin: it occurred to me this week that this is the first cinco de mayo in a while that we haven't got together for drinks. perhaps we can have a cinco de juno party instead, possibly held at my summer home in juneau alaska. attire: ye olde thyme hunting dress only.

Akktri said...

Is that guy standing in front of McDonalds supposed to be Innuyasha? Or do I need glasses?