27 August 2007

the dog days

Well listen friends I just got off the phone with the folks at Blogger and boy are they not happy. It seems that because I'm not generating enough ad revenue or page views they might have to put me on a rolling blackout. Meaning that by day my page would be visible to readers and by night it would go offline in order to give resources to non-popular bloggers in places like Singapore. So unless I can drum up some more readership soon, this could spell the end for lucubrations.net.

While it is tempting to continue to lay on the couch and let the flies joyride on the back of my fan blade while I drink horsefeathers and spoonfeed myself jars of chilled marshmallow fluff, I feel that I must use my between work hours more wisely. More aggressively. More bloggorifically.

So in order to keep this ship from going down I'm going to hit visitors to this site with everything I've got, only in more regular, manageable doses. If I'm going to exist in this blogosphere, I might as well keep the wheels turning...

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