06 June 2006

New Art Acquisition: Robo-Knight

While attending Liz's popple show this weekend, I picked up the most recent addition to my medley of original works of art -- a colored pencil and magic marker drawing entitled "Robo-Knight." "Robo-Knight" is the work of Atticus von Holten, who I believe is 8 years old. His work was featured last month in the Kids' Corner wing of the Olive Gallery, where myself and other Lawrence art collector glitterati snatched up his illustrations for the alarmingly low sum of $2 each.

The chivalric nature of the subject matter, the knight's triumphant posture and the fusion of space- and middle-ages mark young Atticus as an artist after my own heart. I'm reproducing it here to boast of my acquisition, naturally, but more importantly to announce the emergence of this exciting new illustrator.

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