10 March 2009

Broken Windows

If you enjoyed the Costco post but were left wanting even more hard-hitting journalism, here's a classic article that actually addresses some serious aspects of urban life. This essay by George L. Kelling and James Q. Wilson from the March 1982 Atlantic Monthly uses a single broken window as a metaphor for why people should care about their neighborhoods. If you find it interesting, there are some links to other articles by them on the Atlantic sidebar.

I'd also recommend checking out this book by William Julius Wilson, written in 1996 but no less relevant today (nice lil summary on this college student's site). As he said then, "The problems we see today are going to be a hell of a lot worse in 10 years if we're not willing to face up to them. These kids are just not going to be absorbed into the economy, so what are they going to be doing? Well, we know. They're going to be making life pretty miserable for a lot of people."

And yes, that picture was taken in my old apartment after someone broke the window to the back bedroom, which was thankfully never used as such.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I just wanted to see if you had any candy and you weren't home. You said "Mi casa, su casa."

LW said...

my Spanish isn't that good

Owen said...

I know Giullani loved broken windows theory (or at least his police chief did) but I never saw any research back it up.

Anonymous said...

just walk some of the streets east of the paseo for an hour or so...that's all the research you'll need