25 March 2009

Our beautiful region

Just for fun/filler, here's a few archived photos of how heartwarming life can be here in the heartland.

This is from an archive of severe weather photos published online in the Star last week. I'm posting this mostly as a personal reminder to take shelter when the sirens go off instead of climbing out on the roof to try and spot the funnel clouds. T'ain't worth it.

Speaking of funnels, there's no where in town (that I'm aware of) with better funnel cakes than World O' Fun, which is currently for sale, by the way. This picture, also from an archived KC Star set, is a shot of the amusement park back when it had character. Although perhaps a little bit too much character in this viking's case. I'm not sure what he's got up his tunic sleeve, but that feigned innocent smile and phallic intimation in his height warning make me a little uncomfortable for that gal with the braids.

My friend Toby dug this up off jocohistory.net. This looks like the kind of photo someone might find in their grandparent's attic, causing them to question what kinds of bizarre rituals actually took place in JoCo in generations past. Plenty of more interesting shots where that came from.

If you've got any other bizarre images from the region or caption suggestions for any of these shots, feel free to send them my way and I'll post them here. It don't pay nothin' but it sure does look good on a resume.


Trese said...

Keep these coming along with the commentary.

Anonymous said...

Do you have to be a certain height to ride the Viking Voyager? You could put a baby in that ride by itself and it would be fine.

LW said...

funny you should mention it, matt P. My own parents adopted me after they found my infant self nestled in a blankie in an otherwise empty Viking Voyager ship
-- crying a bit but otherwise totally unharmed. Until now, I've never admitted to anyone that I'm a modern-day moses in the bullrushes. But the comments section of my own blog seems like the right time to reveal it.

The DLC said...

I have the dubious distinction of having cataloged and uploaded that "Indian" photo to JoCoHistory. There are some wacky things on the site, at some point I'll pass along some of my favorites.

LW said...

DLC -- that would be splendid. Having grown up in JoCo, I'd be interested in seeing more images of its colorful history, especially forgotten chapters like this pow wow for the hearing impaired. Feel free to send some of your favorites to mossby at gmail anytime the spirit moves you.

Nice work on your blog, by the way. I've read KC Lunch Spots many a time.