21 November 2007


I'm leaving tomorrow for South Africa. Although I always enjoy being in Kansas City over this holiday and seeing old friends, I think it will be fun to have Thanksgiving leftovers with the baboons. Although I guess technically I'm not supposed to feed them.

My brother Peter (pictured above) has been studying in Stellenbosch, just a short drive from Cape Town, since this summer. Pete's been studying at the University there and doing some volunteer work at an after-school program in a nearby village. We're going to rent a car, drive around the Western Cape and check out some beaches, hikes, wineries and whatever interesting sites we come across.

I'll do my best to post a few updates of my travels here, but I probably won't be blogging much for the next couple of weeks. When I travel I tend to ignore the Internet and concentrate on keeping a good, old-fashioned notebook. I'll tell you what, though. If you send me your address, I'll be happy to send you a postcard.

For now, take care and I'll see you in December.




Brandon said...

I'd call you to give you my address, but my phone's not really working.

Brandon Grimm
7630 Halsey
Lenexa, Ks. 66216 USA

Kyle said...

Kyle Hopkins
ECC Dongjak
2nd Floor, Doosung Bokhap Building
120 Sadang 2 Dong
Seoul, Korea

ps - I added the lukebox to my itunes and I have been going through the archives.
Kamsa Hamnida (thanks bro)

Unknown said...

i would've requested a postcard if i wasn't 4 months late in sending you stuff. it will happen. i hope this trip is going well and am happy that you and your old-fashioned notebooks have some time together. howdy-hi to the baboons from teutonia.

Anonymous said...

yeah luku have a wonderful trip