20 February 2007

a salute to the imperial truffle

I have a saying about businesses in Kansas City: Never get too attached to any one place, because as soon as you do, it will close down. Well the phrase rings true once again, as my next door neighbors, Annedore's fine chocolates, will be closing shop on March 1st.

I guess the owner is having a baby or something and doesn't want to do both. Plus, there's a Starbucks that just opened up nearby. Which I swear I'll never go to. Not so much because I hate Starbucks but because Annedore's already had the best coffee in town.

I've only lived in Midtown since November 2005 and I've already seen quite a few of my favorite local places shut down: Recycled Sounds, The Music Exchange, Joe Joe's Italian Deli, even the Osco Drug. But at least there are plenty of unofficial crack dealerships in the area. I don't mean to sound so bitter, but without my weekly dose of imperial truffles (pictured above), I don't know how I'm going to cope.

Well, I guess I can think of a few ways. Like walking my chocolate dog around the neighborhood, taking shots of expresso from a dark-chocolate shot glass, calling up my friends on my chocolate cell phone and lighting up a chocolate cigar before speeding off on my chocolate chopper. That's a pretty tall order, though, and even with the current sale it's going to cost a pretty chocolate penny. So I better get to work. So long, Anne D's.

sunset over 43rd street, Annedore's is on the right. Photo by JLB.


Snakin said...

That is very, very disappointing. Has the owner considered making a chocolate baby instead of a "real" one? That would work better for everyone: she gets to exercise that maternal instinct, we get our precious chocolate. Oh, well. Such is KC City. For the sake of my teeth, I shall stock up on chocolate toothbrushes.

LW said...

For some reason I just went by there and bought 42 imperial truffles. I am not kidding. I also just realized it doesn't freeze that well, so if anyone wants to come help eat it, we'll have a chocolate pity-party. March 3rd. Nighttime. My place. Yes.

Anonymous said...

I will be there in spirit. There's nothing as spiritually cleansing as a hi-quality-chocolate-gorging-party at midnight.

Akktri said...

Wow! I didn't know they closed Joe Joes! It's not like I ate there anyway.