08 February 2007

Kansas City Chemical Plant Explosion 2007

This is a photo I doctored from one on the Kansas City Star's Web site. It's not my favorite from their slide show of yesterday's incident (in which no one was harmed, I might add), but it features Union Station and the American Flag -- two distinctive local and national symbols.

The only other poster I designed this year was a modification of the "Put Your Lance Face On" banner advertisement that American Century Investments hung on the side of the office tower where I work. I was going to hang up copies of my own version of this poster in the building, but didn't think it would be worth getting in any trouble over.


jennybros said...

Thanks Luke.

Brandon said...

Luke, I got to this site via your myspace page... (This is Brandon Grimm) I didn't realize you had one of these, but I am greatly amused by it and I think this site is more or less exactly what I am looking for in the way of blogging.

I have a Xanga, MySpace, and a Facebook, but heck, Xanga is almost off the map just like the "Lost" island, and MySpace, well that's Rupert Murdoch and to hell with him and his advertisments!

Truth is, even with all that stuff, I don't blog, and I'd really like to. This page is convincing me I need a blogspot page.

I read down a ways and saw your post about the Z-Zinger, as I called it. I absolutely loved that post. Indeed, that was my favorite ride (alongside the Orient Express) at WOF. To date I still dislike the Timberwolf. Anyway, I am interested to hear that the Z is still in operation. Perhaps if the right person with the right amout of money were to come along, the Z might take it's rightful place at the right hand of the Worlds of Fun.

At any rate, I remember riding that ride as much as I could, and it used to be Jennifer, Me, and our Mom riding in a single cart. The perticular instance that I would love to share is this... We all got on the ride and it was AWESOME, however when we got off, mom and I realized that Jenny was asleep! I don't remember how old I was, but no more than 6 for sure. Ah, those were the good old days!

At any rate, I don't believe I've told you anything about my job yet, but I saw a mention of "American Century Investments" on here and I just HAVE to tell you... I just designed a spiral staircase to be built and installed for a project labled American Century Investments.

Anyway, I have to go now...
I don't know what to think though, this site seems to know who I am, but I don't have an account yet... YIKES!

Snakin said...

I will certainly never forget that day or what I was doing when I first felt the effects of this toxic cloud. I was sitting at my desk, 20 miles away in beautiful Unity Village, Missouri. I looked out my window and into the darkening sky, and I said, "Hmm. Gettin' kind of dark. Is it already 5?" And then I checked my watch, and it was only 4:30. So I worked for thirty more minutes. And on my way home I noticed the billow. And I thought, "Something must be on fire." I don't ever want to feel that way again. Thank you, Luke, for giving us a poignant reminder of not forgetting. This will ensure that I never forget to never forget.