31 October 2008

Wetzbeck Pumpkinology

Happy Halloween. I've had plenty to post and plan to catch up over the next few days. I wish I would have been able to do more but I had a couple of paying gigs this week that took precedence. Extra-special All Hallow's shout-outs to Berlin, Providence and L.A.

Peace and spookiness.


p.s. I'll give you some of my leftover candy if you can guess which one is mine


MaggieJo said...

Yours is the second from left top row; or , I'll give you some of my candy! If there's any left when I see you.

j w said...

i second maggie jo, although the first on the left, second row from the bottom is the best by far... who made that masterpiece?

j w said...

wow wow, nevermind, i totally disagree with maggiejo. yours is the second from the right, 2nd row from the top... what was i thinking???!

j w said...

ok, this is embarassing... top row, second from the right... buck tooth.

LW said...

Top row, L to R: Dad, Mom, Paula, Larry

Middle: Pedro, Grant, Meghan, Jenny, Pedro

Lower: Moritz, Me, Bridget, Madeleine

Bottom row: Lois, maybe?