26 July 2008

Lover what you started now that you parted


Not sure who still reads this. Apologies for my long absences. Life is so busy these days. And it's so hot outside. Definitely not blogging weather. As the old proverb goes, "drink iced tea while it's hot -- leave sagacity to the fall."

I will get back in the swing of things here. Probably. Perhaps. I get married in less than a month and then I leave town for about that long so there is a lot to do.

I heard some Funkadelic at the bar tonight. The same old bar I go to most Fridays, where there's only one bartender, no doorman and the enthusiastic discombobulated DJ spins soul/funk 45s on a single turntable. The Funkadelic track was something off "America Eats Its Young," I think, which in my high school days struck me as a funny title but nowadays strikes me as all too true.

I wonder what I'm still doing here, sometimes. I've lived elsewhere before. Before I had a blog, I actually traveled quite a bit and did things which at them time did not seem suitable for Internet postage. That's always sort of been the challenge with this site -- to keep it local and still keep it interesting. I think I've got at least one more year left. After that all bets are off.

The beat, however, must go on. And to that end I have added quite a few more tracks on the lukebox, accessible here. Plug in and enjoy. Or ignore and go about your business. All the same to me. But whatsoever I play, it's got. to. be. fun. kay?

love and kisses,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't blame you there - KC summers have the most depressing weather. Come to think of it, so does the rest of the year for the most part.