15 January 2008

There Are A Lot of Blackbirds Around These Parts Lately

They make a lot of noise.


Anonymous said...

No kidding about the blackbirds!
I noticed probably 500 as I walked to school after the ice storm several weeks ago. It was a weird ambiance with everything white and 5am-quiet except for the birds that sounded like they came from hell (or maybe from you're parking garage).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Es dauerte nicht lange, da konnte Sam sehen, was sich da näherte. Schwärme von Vögeln, die sehr schnell flogen, große Kreise zogen und das ganze Land überspannten, als ob sie etwas suchten; und sie kamen stetig näher."
Herr der Ringe, Bd 2, Seite 87
Watch out Luke, they're coming for you!

LW said...


das weiss ich schon

Anonymous said...

Last week, I was at Hampton Court to see the beautiful gardens and long avenues of horse chestnuts and lime trees, in the tops of which a multitude of crows and rooks have built their nests, and also to see the palace and the paintings.

B said...

lucas, that murder of crows shat on me on my way home from an innocent QT run.

Elizabeth Baddeley said...

when I lived on the plaza they were deafening.