12 December 2007

A dozen photos from about as many friends

Photo by Jeff Bransted. Though I think it's a close-up of a sign, it looks like a grid showing KC as a stop on some futuristic transit system. Someday.

Taken by Jennifer in 2004 at the ArtSpace around the corner.

Photo from Jessica Brothers during Springfield's huge ice storm in January 07.

This is around the corner from the McDonald's on Broadway. Given the area, it wouldn't surprise me if somebody lived here.

A classic shot from Tara Sloan, taken in 2005.

Another shot by Tara in front of the now closed-down Yello Sub Campus.

Jon took this. No effects added, neither, just this lighter a homeless guy gave me that has a blue light on one end.

Photo by Moritz Piehler of two red habits that may enhance late-night relaxation but will also set things on fire.

Last year instead of watching the Super Bowl we went ice skating. Taken by David aka TyrannosaurusWetz.

The Space Race came to an inglorious end in the back of Mickey's Surplus.

This is that vision from Cape Town I was telling you about.

Ayla Kiran took this last month in Buenos Aires. It's purdy.

And some bonus shots displaying seasonal time-lapse:

Summer. Note evidence of so-called red habits.

Winter. The porch is going to completely collapse any day now.


Yesterday. As you can see, it's Madeira-drinking season once again.


Kyle said...

I'm a big fan of the seasonal shots out the window. Also, I really like the pic from above of (maybe Peter) looking down on a cloud. Quality.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful selection.