10 September 2007


After nearly a year of compiling and designing the place-themed magazine, Coordinates, limited amounts of the magazine are now available in stores such as City Lights in San Francisco, Quimby's in Chicago as well as a few places in LA, Virginia, Portland, etc.

About 30 people from everywhere from Ohio to Mongolia contributed photos, stories, poems and artwork, and Editor Jon Allen and friends did an excellent job of putting it all together. I've got a piece in the mag celebrating some of my own favorite spots, including Clinton Lake, the Vondelpark and abandoned missile silos of Kansas.

If you aren't in a position to snag one of the few remaining copies, you can download a PDF of Coordinates here. The regular PDF will bring it up in linear form, with the collated one available for anyone who wants to print it out and bind it. Jon says the next issue, which will be printed next summer, will have a theme of music/sound. If you're interested in contributing to future publications, just let me know and I'll give you more info.


The cover of "Coordinates" was cut from a 10' x 10' original mono print depicting synapses in the human brain by Janie Hammerschmidt (Lawrence, KS). There were 108 covers culled from the composition, each one being entirely unique. If all the covers were brought back to a single location, they could reform the original images depicted above. Once the covers were cut, Janie then letter pressed the title to each one using 48 pt. Bernhard Gothic, Light font.

1 comment:

Akktri said...

What are the specifications for publication there?