03 February 2007

Ice Planet Hoth

Last week I took my first-ever sick day from my job. I slept for something like 17 hours straight and finally woke up around 3 in the morning. Somehow I wound up at my neighbor's watching "Empire Strikes Back," which touched off a newfound fascination with Ice Planet Hoth. Watching my namesake Mr. Skywalker and friends trip up those giant robot/elefant's with their space-harpoons, and then looking outside at the frozen earth, Hoth didn't seem too far away. At any rate I found it hard to imagine I'd ever worn shorts.

The next day I googled Ice Planet Hoth and saw that someone had designed a pretty professional-looking Web site to help Ice Planet Hoth make a successful bid for the 2014 Winter Olympics. Jesus, I hope they make it.

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