07 January 2007

When I have Fears that I may cease to be Cool

Elizabethan sonnet by Lucas Wetzel, age 25
"The Kiss" (woodblock print) by Peter Behrens, (1869-1940)

When I have fears that I’ll stop being cool
before my band has played its farewell tour
before I best death in a guitar duel,
and the carefree life loses all allure;
When I take a look at all the cities
and the venues that we’ve left to play,
I fear my stage-presence will desert me
and my star-power will soon fade away;
And when I feel, fair indie-rock mistress!
that I’ll never make out with you again
never brush the cloth of your vintage dress,
or write songs to capture your attention
I think, though my coolness may not last long,
the best love rarely outlives a pop song.

Author's note: In case your memories of English 12 are a bit fuzzy and you're wondering what this poem is referencing, check out the source material from John Keats.

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